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Technical Support Overview

Subscription Support Package

We are only able to provide technical support in any form to users who have a subscription package in place. Please view the subscription page for the packages available and the prices.

Scope of Support

We are unable to support older versions of Stockit. We regret that we cannot provide on-site support for any problems, nor any form of support for discontinued products or for problems relating to operating systems, networks, hardware or operational training, etc.

Windows Versions Supported

Our Windows operating system support policy is outlined here.

Technical Support Email

If you are sending in a support request by Email, please be sure to include all relevant information about the issue so that we can work out the best way to help you. We will also need a contact name and the exact version of the Stockit program you are running.

It is not usually necessary for you to send us your Stockit database file, but occasionally we may require you to send us a copy. Any information or data sent to us is treated with complete confidentiality. We have a mutual NDA declaration that can be used if required.